Ronnie McBrayer
Podcast of author, speaker, pastor, and spiritual teacher Ronnie McBrayer. This is his collection of talks, interviews, insights from the Enneagram, and conversations with friends on the ever-changing, ever-evolving nature of faith. It is especially for those who are “burned out on religion” - to quote Eugene Peterson’s marvelous paraphrase; for spiritual exiles; and those whose faith is in transition.
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
The Life and Writings of Paul, Part 8 of 8
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Part 8: Paul's Theology and Legacy
No single individual outside of Jesus of Nazareth has been more influential within Christianity than Paul the Apostle. After his radical conversion he became the church’s most zealous missionary. Without his travels and letters, Christianity would be much different than the version we have inherited today. Join Ronnie as he leads this eight-part study on “The Life and Writings of Paul the Apostle.”
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Simplify. Simplify. Part 6
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
This is Part 6 of Ronnie's latest series of talks entitled: "Simplify. Simplify." The subject is stress, and how to lighten our emotional and spiritual burdens in this ill-managed, tumultuous world. Based on Philippians 4, Ronnie follows the Apostle Paul's advice: "Be Glad. Be Gentle. Say Grace. Seek the Good." This is no silver bullet, no magic formula or elixir. It is a way of living, and it takes practice.
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Monday Feb 27, 2023
The Life and Writings of Paul, Part 7 of 8
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Part 7: "Spanish Speculation" (Paul's Release, Further Travels, Re-Arrest, and Death)
No single individual outside of Jesus of Nazareth has been more influential within Christianity than Paul the Apostle. After his radical conversion he became the church’s most zealous missionary. Without his travels and letters, Christianity would be much different than the version we have inherited today. Join Ronnie as he leads this eight-part study on “The Life and Writings of Paul the Apostle.”
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Simplify. Simplify. Part 5
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
This is Part 5 of Ronnie's latest series of talks entitled: "Simplify. Simplify." Ronnie talks about the "success" in this talk, a visit with Jesus and Martha (Luke 10:38-42), Martha the struggling and suffering perfectionist. In a talk that became deeply personal, Ronnie said: "The more quiet and more still we become - the more we are able to know and experience the love of Christ. His perfect love is the only cure for our perfectionism. How I wish for myself, and for us all, that we can begin to understand that, while it is still called, 'today.'"
Monday Feb 20, 2023
The Life and Writings of Paul, Part 6 of 8
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Part 6: "When in Rome..." (Paul's Arrest and Journey to Italy)
No single individual outside of Jesus of Nazareth has been more influential within Christianity than Paul the Apostle. After his radical conversion he became the church’s most zealous missionary. Without his travels and letters, Christianity would be much different than the version we have inherited today. Join Ronnie as he leads this eight-part study on “The Life and Writings of Paul the Apostle.”
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Simplify. Simplify. Part 4
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
This is Part 4 of Ronnie's latest series of talks entitled: "Simplify. Simplify." Ronnie talks about the "seasons of life" in this talk (Psalm 90), specifically two seasons, the two halves of life. In the first half, we are striving. We are working on our edifice, our image, the container of life. We seek accomplishment. We seek our people, our place. We have much to prove; demonstrating to ourselves, to our parents, to our peers, to the culture - that we are worthy. The second half of life is about substance and the depth of the inner life. Now, it is about the content of my soul - not just the container around that soul. One turns to what really matters. Carl Jung, who coined this idea of first and second half living sums it up thusly: “The first half of life is devoted to all that is outward, to the ego; the second half is about going inward and letting go of your pride.”
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
The Life and Writings of Paul, Part 5 of 8
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Part 5: The Third Time Is The Charm (Paul's Third Missionary Journey)
No single individual outside of Jesus of Nazareth has been more influential within Christianity than Paul the Apostle. After his radical conversion he became the church’s most zealous missionary. Without his travels and letters, Christianity would be much different than the version we have inherited today. Join Ronnie as he leads this eight-part study on “The Life and Writings of Paul the Apostle.”
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Simplify. Simplify. Part 3
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
This is Part 3 of Ronnie's latest series of talks entitled: "Simplify. Simplify." This episode is about simplifying our "stuff." From the podcast: "If you would serve God well, follow Jesus sincerely, and live a true life of freedom, you will do so without the enslavement of this ugly, false god known as Mammon. This isn’t a shame-inducing strategy by Jesus to make us feel bad about our decisions. It is the God’s honest truth. These are competing gods moving in two different directions, and Jesus is trying to set us free from depending upon this money-oriented greedy world, to pursue a life and treasure of far greater value."
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
The Life and Writings of Paul, Part 4 of 8
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Part 4: A European Entryway
No single individual outside of Jesus of Nazareth has been more influential within Christianity than Paul the Apostle. After his radical conversion he became the church’s most zealous missionary. Without his travels and letters, Christianity would be much different than the version we have inherited today. Join Ronnie as he leads this eight-part study on “The Life and Writings of Paul the Apostle.”
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Simplify. Simplify. Part 2
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
This is Part 2 of Ronnie's latest series of talks entitled: "Simplify. Simplify." Ronnie takes on faith, church, and all the accoutrements that keep us from simplifying our spirituality. Turning to the Great Commandment in Mark 12, Ronnie says, "Love is the solution for calcified, legalistic, short-sighted, institutionally-obsessed religion. Love is the cure for the compartmentalization of our faith - where we can choose greed, or xenophobia, or racism, or rank nationalism over decency, compassion, and justice. Love is the counterbalance to how we like to exclude others. Love is the way to reverse our corporate failures to find consensus in the face of our most pressing challenges, and the way to craft solutions for the common good. Love is the rebuke to we strict religionists who would rather be pious than gracious or kind."