Ronnie McBrayer
Podcast of author, speaker, pastor, and spiritual teacher Ronnie McBrayer. This is his collection of talks, interviews, insights from the Enneagram, and conversations with friends on the ever-changing, ever-evolving nature of faith. It is especially for those who are “burned out on religion” - to quote Eugene Peterson’s marvelous paraphrase; for spiritual exiles; and those whose faith is in transition.
Tuesday Sep 03, 2024
Hands...and Hearts
Tuesday Sep 03, 2024
Tuesday Sep 03, 2024
"How often does a religious authority figure become the actual authority? How often do human-made regulations get inflated and inflicted as God-given commandments? How often do ancient traditions - traditions that may have worked very well for those who first conceived of them - outlast their usefulness - and grow into monstrous, shame-inducing, fear-mongering, finger-pointing, soul-crushing, heart-breaking machines of spiritual abuse and destruction? Be distrustful of - run away from - groups, denominations, churches, and movements that crush the people under their care; that place heavy burdens on people’s backs; that coerce, intimidate, manipulate and malign. That might be religion. But that just can’t be Jesus.
"You see, religious rules can’t protect you. They can’t keep you holy. They really can’t help you. Sure, they might work to get you started; but eventually - sooner or later - external, religious, behavior management can only keep you caged, withdrawn, fearful, suspicious, and judgmental. It can’t set you free. To borrow commentary from the Apostle Paul: 'Christ has set us free…The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love…For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: "‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Neither we nor the world need more religion. We need changed hearts. We need transformation from within. And that is possible - as we surrender to the Spirit and direction of Jesus - who makes all things new."
Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
Going Down the Road Feeling Bad
Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
“The journey ahead will be too much for you! God says to Elijah (See 1 Kings 18 and 19). For those who have been champions, for those who have felt like nothing but losers. For those disappointed, discouraged, despondent, confused, misused, and abused: The journey will be too much for you! Enough with the lie that 'God will never put more on you than you can stand.' That’s nowhere near an accurate statement and will not hold up under thoughtful, theological, or experiential analysis. Sometimes life will collapse on you with the weight of multiple lifetimes; there will be too many challenges; too many burdens; too much tragedy. It happens with the news of a single, solitary catastrophe - or with the slow, accumulating of day to day weariness like silent, falling snow. Either way, sometimes it is all more than you can take. Sometimes life will break you.
"But I know, as I read the history of our ancestors here in the Scriptures, and as I review my own life and the lives of those who kept faith to the end and beyond, is that God has a way of showing up and picking up his children when they have reached the very end of themselves. There is something about coming to the absolute end of strength, when another step cannot be taken; when another war cannot be fought; when another threat cannot be answered; when another precept cannot be believed; when another creed cannot be recited; when another day cannot be faced: Only then does God become God to the one who desperately needs God."
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Wonder Bread
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
"Come to me,” Jesus said, "I am the bread of life…Come to me and you will find what you need….Walk with me…learn from me,” he said. He offers his way, his words, his ethic, his very life to each of us. And in taking it, we find our daily bread to face each and every day: Not as a kind of spiritual vitamin; not a little pep talk for us when things are down; not a puffy, air-filled, processed bag of junk food. This is real, solid strength. It’s food for the soul. Or hear it this way: “I am to you what you need, to do what you must do.” Nourishment. Fuel. Power: To live your life. To meet the demands of the day. To finish your race. To be alive, sustained, and fortified for whatever the future may hold.
Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
Repeat After Me
Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
Ronnie says, "I only have three sermons. So I will be repeating myself again today. One - The only God I know is the one revealed in Jesus of Nazareth. Ask me who God is; what God is like: I will point you there. Two - This God loves you with an infinite, incredible, inexhaustible love. And three: It’s those people who have a profound sense of being loved by God; who have this internal, soul-washed awareness that they are the recipients of grace: These are the people who truly live; and who can truly change the world."
Wednesday Jul 24, 2024
In Green Pastures
Wednesday Jul 24, 2024
Wednesday Jul 24, 2024
From Ronnie's latest talk on the 23rd Psalm: "He 'maketh me to lie down.' The Shepherd gently - but deliberately - compels me to be still. It is the lying down; it is the quiet; it is the stillness that leads to restoration. The best translation from the Hebrew is: 'Bed down in the lush green grasses. Sip the cold, quiet, deep waters -of rest.' Cold drinks and nap time sounds like heaven! But most of us have to be forced into stillness. We must be made to lie down. We can’t turn off the monkey-mind. We can’t even turn off the television or put down our phones. We feed ourselves on the breaking news of the moment; we gorge on incessant information and activity; we are surrounded by the loud, the unnecessary, the fearful, and the obnoxious. Our senses are continually assaulted by those things, situations, and people that can do nothing but leave us angry, thirsty, hungry, and unsettled. Lord knows, oh the Lord knows, we must be made to lie down."
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
What's So Famous About Amos?
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
In this exploration of the biblical prophet Amos, Ronnie talks about what launched Amos' vocation, why the prophet's voice is one of such doom, and how to interpret and apply his words today. Ronnie says, "Amos, for lack of a better turn of phrase, invented the apocalyptic category. All the Hebrew prophets to follow - even the great ones like Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and Daniel - are standing on the shoulders of Amos, as he in real time processed the events that he witnessed and drew interpretive conclusions as to why these things were happening..."
Wednesday Jul 10, 2024
The Prophet, Persistence, and Progress
Wednesday Jul 10, 2024
Wednesday Jul 10, 2024
Speaking of Ezekiel (Chapter 3) as an example for us all, Ronnie says, "Ezekiel persisted in his vocation for two decades. Persistence more than progress. Stubbornness over success. Twenty years his hand is at the plow. Twenty years with hardly a convert. Twenty years among the thorns and scorpions of resistance...That is the pattern, but I think also that is the point. When one takes up the Christian vocation; when one commits to following Christ, to serving others, to loving neighbors; there is no quick or easy pay off. There are often few signs to see if you are actually doing any good. You will need persistence, resiliency, and patience. You will surely need a great big dose of the 'keep on, keeping on.' It is a great act of faith and hope - defiantly so - to keep being a true human being, made in the image of God, living out the love of Christ in a world that will likely conspire against you."
Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
When You Think About God
Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
From Ronnie's talk based on Lamentations 3: "I get to have these conversations about God with people. Invariably, someone will say: 'Well, I don’t believe in God.' And my answer has become, 'Me either!' Then I give the person space to talk about the God they refuse to believe in; and it has never failed: I can’t - I won’t - I don’t - believe in the God they describe either! Because this God is usually a sadist; or a monster; or a capricious, thin-skinned invention of religious imagination. This God has been made in someone else’s image and then forced onto others as the God of creation, universe, and eternity...Do we create God in our own image, a form of confirmation bias, finding in God what we hoped was already there? Of course we do. But for good or bad, I think that says more about us than it says about God."
Monday Jun 24, 2024
The Path Is Made By Walking, Part 10
Monday Jun 24, 2024
Monday Jun 24, 2024
In this conclusion to his series on The Emmaus Road from Luke 24, Ronnie makes clear that sermons and talks come to an end, but the road goes on. "Faith will persist. The Spirit will lead. Your journey of faith never ends until you do," he says. And quoting James Hollis, Ronnie reminds the listener: "There is no home ‘out there,’ no Valhalla to attain; there is only the journey. The journey is our home. Our home is our journey...There is no peace, contentment, and tranquility above the fray. We will always live in in-between times, between what has been reached and exhausted and what approaches over the curve of the horizon. Are we afraid? Of course! Only psychotics and the deluded are not. But that is not an excuse for not showing up in life. Our journey is our home.”
Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
The Path Is Made By Walking, Part 9
Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
In this talk - part 9 of 10 in the series - Ronnie asks the listener to open his or her heart to the "Real" - with a capital R. He says, "I am of the persuasion that you can at once be a person who believes in contemporary science; and be a person of deep faith in God; that you can be analytical and empirical while remaining mystical and spiritual; that you can appreciate and value Newton, Einstein, Sagan, Hawking, and Darwin - and still be a committed follower of Jesus. I am making a case - or at least offering an invitation - that you accept what is Real as extending to the spiritual world - that it not be contained strictly within the material world. And I make that invitation to both the religious and the agnostic."