Ronnie McBrayer
Podcast of author, speaker, pastor, and spiritual teacher Ronnie McBrayer. This is his collection of talks, interviews, insights from the Enneagram, and conversations with friends on the ever-changing, ever-evolving nature of faith. It is especially for those who are “burned out on religion” - to quote Eugene Peterson’s marvelous paraphrase; for spiritual exiles; and those whose faith is in transition.
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Happiness Is An Inside Job
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
"The search for happiness can lead people to do strange things...radical things...even criminal things. Blaise Pascal said, “The aim of every person is to be happy - even those persons who take their own lives.” It’s such a universal desire - to have a little joy; a little contentment; a light heart and mind. But it can be so universally elusive. This is because happiness is an inside job. There is no secret to unlock; no skill to develop; no elusive mystery to chase. Happiness is already there within you. It’s there for the taking. So, if you don’t find true happiness within yourself - you will never find happiness anywhere in the world."
(Reading from Philippians 4 by Anna Balfour)
Monday Oct 16, 2023
”I Contain Multitudes”
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself (I am large, I contain multitudes). - Walt Whitman
Ronnie chose Whitman's line because it captures the fragmentation, history, complexity, and contradiction - not of humanity in general - but specifically as the best one line explanation for that tiny slice of land containing the state of Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. As Ronnie says in this talk, "If ever a section of earth’s geography contained contradicting multitudes - peoples, religions, opinions, atrocities, beauty, bloodshed, glory - it is this piece of the world." In a departure from his regular talks, Ronnie takes a deep dive into Israeli and Palestinian history and the implications for today.
A direct note from Ronnie: This is the longest talk I have given in probably 15 years - not that it is an hour-long diatribe - it's just north of 35 minutes. But I've always tried to get to the point as efficiently as possible, and leave the receiving, thinking, and mulling over to the listener. I maintain that same efficiency here I hope, but this is a subject matter that required those few extra 12 to 15 minutes. Thanks for listening. RM
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
G.O.W.I: Getting On With It
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
In a deeply personal recapping of challenges experienced by individuals and families in his own congregation, Ronnie pivots to the theme of "Getting On With It" from Paul's words in Philippians 3. Ronnie says, "I tread lightly and carefully here, because the pain and loss for many of late is still so present and raw; not for a minute will I minimize any of that. Take your time. Heal as best as you can. Pull away into your thoughts and precious memories. Grieve. Process. Cry. Rage. Question. Wrestle. Go deep within. Go way back. But don’t you stay back there. Get depressed. Get angry. But get well and get going. No, not everyone can hear this today - and that is as it should be. But some of us need to hear this. We need to do business with the past, our past... We cannot change a single thing about the past. We can’t go back, and all the 'I should haves' and 'I could haves' and 'What ifs' are grave markers in the cemetery of a reality that will never be. To use your precious energy trying to reconstruct a better past, to return to some golden era of your life, to try and rewrite your personal history book is a fool’s errand. You have today. You might have tomorrow. But you certainly don’t have yesterday. You have to get on with it."
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Don’t Forget to Remember
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Speaking from Philippians 2, the text where Paul write how Jesus "emptied himself," Ronnie uses this episode to talk about "having the attitude of Christ," with is the true essence of being a follower of Jesus. Ronnie says:
"Was Jesus a culture warrior? No. Was he a violent revolutionary? No. Was he a retreatist? No. Was he motivated by fear? No. Was he greedy, driven by money? No. Was he obsessed with power - making or forcing others to do as he wanted them to do? No. That’s not who he was; not how he thought of himself. These were not his attitudes...In Jesus there was an unselfishness, a drive to serve, a sacrificial motivation at his core. And we who bear his name, would do well not to forget that, for we must bear that same quality. The essence of “being like Jesus,” is consistently an emptying, a surrendering. It is loving service.
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Pastures of Plenty
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
In this re-telling of Jesus' Parable of the Vineyard (Matthew 20), Ronnie connects Woody Guthrie with C.S. Lewis, apple picking with communism, and gives a shout out to both Disney World and Ann Rand. He concludes: "The kingdom of God is not about fairness. It’s not about justice or earning what is rightfully yours. It’s not about what’s in it for you. The kingdom of God is only for the asking. It is about grace - all about grace - and nothing else."
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Inside Out, Part 4
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
The great Bonnie Raitt sang, "I can't make you love me if you don't." Truer words have hardly ever been spoken. Likewise, it is impossible to love others by our own power. In the conclusion to his series "Inside Out," Ronnie talks about how only the spirit and love of Christ can transform and empower us to do what religion cannot: Love those we find unlovable.
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Inside Out, Part 3
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
With an introduction from children's writer Peter Reynolds (and his book, "Be You"), Ronnie continues his series entitled, "Inside Out." Focusing on Paul's great prayer at the end of Ephesians 3, Ronnie says, "Those who have a profound sense of being loved; who have this internal, soul-washed awareness that they are the recipients of the deepest compassion; those with a divine - and it is divine - acceptance of grace: These are the people who find the courage to be themselves, to live truly brave lives. They are empowered, set free, for love undergirds and strengthens and acts as a launching pad for them..."
For more on Peter Reynolds visit:
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Inside Out, Part 2
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Building on Psalm 138 and the work of Dr. James Hollis, Ronnie continues his conversation entitled, "Inside Out." In this talk he says, "To look inside ourselves and to interrogate our own lives might cause a storm. It might cause upheaval. It might turn over tables and hidden secrets and our never-before questioned assumptions and motivations. We might have to suffer; we might have to do business with our false selves, with the lives we have been leading - the lives others picked out for us, or that we simply collapsed into because it was the path of least resistance. Yes, I think we all desperately want to live our best lives; I think we all want meaning and purpose. I think we desperately want inner strength, strength of soul. But just as assuredly, I think that most people won’t risk it, because it means digging through too many layers, and maybe decades of charade and self-betrayal to get to it."
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Inside Out
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
What does "ceremonial hand washing," a colonoscopy, and an interruption by Siri have in common? You'll have to listen to Ronnie's latest talk to find out! He invites listeners to exchange religious belief for radical inner transformation, saying, "If your religion makes you meaner, more judgmental, more afraid, more suspicious, more closed, or more angry - that religion has run ground. It should make you more open, more merciful, more understanding. The fruit of the Spirit, as I recall, is not the fiery passion of waging cultural crusade or making one more stubborn and unmovable in their biases and predispositions: 'Love, joy, peace, tolerance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.' This inner transformation is the goal of faith."
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
”A Profession of Hope,” Part 3
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Ronnie concludes this series from Matthew 13 saying, "I am finished and done with Christian profession that is all about how bad things are; that can only condemn; only threaten; that can only retreat in fear or lash out in anger. I have no use for any expression of religion - especially a religion invoking the name of Jesus - that has given up on people or the world or the generations to come...The reign of Christ and the love of God does not always prevail in every generation - but it is always present, doing it’s quiet and transformative work."